Some logos/icons on this page are from the real world. This page showcases my personal idea to redesign those logos/icons. These are independent creative explorations and are not affiliated with, endorsed by, or commissioned by the respective trademark holders. All trademarks and copyrights belong to their respective owners. Thank you.
Negative Space Logo Ideas

I'm starting a new journey with this art-style, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what we create together. Can't wait to fill this page with our collaboration. :DThank you.

Hello!I'm Steve, a visual artist with eight years of experience in various field like
illustration, graphic design, concept art, branding, and creative idea.Using lineless flat-color art-style and wide spectrum of genres, from casual lifestyle to the various realms of fantasy.
Can't wait to bring your vision into captivating artwork!Feel free to contact me for inquiries.Thank you.